Monday, July 14, 2014

Magick on a Budget

Getting started as a Pagan and/or Witch doesn't have to drain your bank account. If you are short on funds, there are simple ways to get what you need with out spending a ton of cash.

1. Don't buy what you already have.
If you can't afford a fancy ritual knife, check your kitchen for an extra knife. You can always paint or decorate the handle anyway you want.
Don't buy glass jars or bottles for  herbs and such when you can just save used jam, olive, pickle etc etc jars.  Just clean them out and you have a free container!
Don't buy "fancy" herbs when the ones in your spice rack will work just fine. In a protection spell, cinnamon will work just as well as dragon's blood. If you really want some of the more exotic herbs out there, try growing your own.

2. Trade
If you know any other Pagans or Witches in your area, you can always try to make a trade. Ask around and see if anyone is willing to trade for something you need. You can make all sorts of trades. Like a tarot reading for a crystal. A pendulum for a necklace. The possibilities are endless with the right people. If you have a big enough Pagan/Witch community, you might even be able to arrange a swap meet.

3. Dollar stores
Don't give me that look! Dollar and discount stores can be a wealth of supplies. Candles, glass wear, bowls, twine for spells, even altar decorations. Many even have food stuffs so you can get herbs, salt, teas, and if you're in the need, even wine.
 If you're patient, check out your local craft and decor stores after holidays. Most of their seasonal things will be marked way down and often have nice candle holders and other things on sale. 
You can also try thrift shops and used cloth shops for tools and ritual clothes. 

4. The great outdoors
Go outside and look for stuff people! Rocks, leaves, sea shells, branches, wild herbs, berries and fungus. Even shed feathers, reptile skin, and fur can be found. If you're really lucky you might even find bones of deceased animals.  Please make sure you can  positively identify wild herbs, berries and fungi before consuming  them. If you aren't 100% sure what it is, don't eat it!!!  Also make sure you thank Mother Earth for the gifts. 

5. Make it yourself
If you are able, make your own stuff! Many local craft stores have free or inexpensive classes on making a variety of things like jewelry, candles, etc. In keeping with number 2, you can always trade skills as well. Maybe you can't sew but know a witch who can. If you make candles, perhaps you could trade some hand made spell candles for a hand made alter cloth. Many libraries have DIY books that will teach you how to make things as well. 

6. Shop online
If you can't find what you need in any other fashion, try shopping online. Bulk sites, overstock sites and auction sites usually have a wide selection of supplies at discount rates. 

7.Remember; You don't "need" anything!
If you can't afford an athame, use your fingers. Can't afford besome, use some twigs. Fancy tools and supplies don't make the witch. The witch does. 

So there you go! The craft of a budget. You can still be a crafty witch and not go broke. Enjoy!

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