Monday, July 14, 2014

Spell for Healing Yourself

Healing Spell for Yourself
By Laughing Fox
(Warning: Doing Magick while ill can be tricky!)

Gather a small green candle and one of the following incense: Cedar, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Myrrh, Pine, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, or Sandalwood. (Note: If you are feeling nauseous, use a scent that does not exacerbate this condition!)

On a heat proof surface, light the candle and incense. Sit or lay in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and chant:

"By the Earth and of my will;
Let me now to feel no ill."

Repeat this over and over until the candle is burned out. Imagine the illness and pain leaving your body.

A green candle can be substituted for another color if you feel it is more appropriate. If the smell of incense nauseates you, leave it out of the ritual all together. Burning candles and incense should never be left unattended.

*Please note that this spell is not a substitute for medical care. If you have a serious illness, injury or diagnosis, please use this spell in conjunction with a physician's care. Be well.*

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