Monday, July 14, 2014

Spell for Healing Others

Spell for Healing Others
By Laughing Fox

Gather a small green candle, a small stone, preferably clear quartz, aventurine, bloodstone, or fluorite, some sandalwood incense, and a picture of the unwell person.

On a heat proof surface, light candle and incense. Place the crystal on top of the photo. Envision a green glow around the person in the picture and the stone. While you do this say:

"Friend of mine who feels such pain;

Your strength and will help me sustain.

This tiny stone I empower so;

To help you quickly heal and grow.

By the flame and by the stone;

Let relieve be quickly known."

Send your healing energy into the stone and envision your friend being healed and feeling better. Keep this up until the candle and incense have burned down. Give the stone to your friend to carry with them.

A green candle can be substituted with another color you feel is more appropriate. Burning candles and incense should never be left unattended.

*Please note that this spell is not a substitute for medical care. If your friend has a serious illness, injury or diagnosis, please use this spell in conjunction with a physician's care. Be well.*

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