Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Making a Corn Husk Pouch

Here's a quick, fun craft for the upcoming harvest festivals. Making a Health and Prosperity Corn Husk Pouch.

What you will need:
1 corn husk, in good shape.
Some Eucalyptus oil
Some dried mint
Some dried patchouli
Some green aventurine

Lay out your corn husk and sprinkle the mint, patchouli and aventurine inside of it. Then add three drops of the eucalyptus oil. 

Roll up the sides of the corn husk so that the herb mix is sitting in the center.

Using either green twine or some hemp cord, tie both ends of the husk so that the mix is secured in the center. 

And there you go! You're all set with your corn husk pouch. At your next harvest celebration, either burn or bury it in your garden to ensure health and prosperity in the coming year.

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