Monday, June 30, 2014

Goddess of the Week: Athena

Athena: The Greek warrior goddess of wisdom, skill, mathematics, justice, and arts and crafts. She was also the goddess of strategy and delighted in defeating Ares on the battlefield. She was born when Zeus swallowed her mother Metis and Athena sprang from Zeus' head fully armored. She is the patron goddess of the city of Athens. Winning the city from Poseidon in a contest. Each deity offered the city a gift. Poseidon a fountain and Athena an olive tree. The City chose the olive tree, picking Athena over Poseidon.

She also taught humans how to weave and tend live stock. She became jealous of Arachne who was a skilled weaver. She challenged the girl to a contest and beat her. Arachne took her own life by hanging herself. Athena turned Arachne into a spider and this is where the word Arachnid comes from.

Her symbols are the spear, owl, and olive tree.

Offerings may include olive leaves, turquoise, ash, yew and dragon's blood.

Her festival was March 19-23.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Simple Love Spell

A Simple Love Spell
(By Laughing Fox)

Gather a small pink candle, some ground rose petals, and a large, ripe strawberry and a ritual knife.

Carve a heart onto the candle and the strawberry. Place the candle on a heat proof surface. Light the candle and carefully sprinkle the ground rose petals onto it.  Cut the strawberry into three equal pieces. Then say:

"My heart I rend to pieces three;
The first part shall remain for me.
The second for the world as one;
For my hatred lost and love has won.
The last for my soul's one true mate;
Brought to my life by hands of fate.
Love's true light shall grow this seed;
And then at last combine these three."

Eat each of the three strawberry pieces one at a time. While you eat the first piece, envision all the reasons you love yourself. This is not a selfish or egotistical act. To find true love, we must first love ourselves. While you eat the second piece, meditate on being at peace or understanding with the world and all who dwell on it. 

As you eat the last piece, envision the qualities you search for in a mate and being in a relationship with those qualities. (Note: It is not advised that you think of one specific person at this time.) Let the candle burn down as you have these visions.

Rose petals are a time honored symbol of love. However, if you cannot find any, you can substitute them with Cinnamon, Clove, Columbine, Daffodil Lavender, Daisy, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Geranium, Orchid, Pansy, Plumeria, Spearmint, Tulip, Violet, or Vanilla.

Due to their color and shape, strawberries have long been associated with the heart. If, however, you dislike strawberries, or have allergies, they can be substituted with Apple, Avocado, Beet, Cherry, Fig, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Plum, Pomegranate (use three seeds), Radish, Raspberry, or Tomato.

Pink may also be substituted for another color if you desire. Burning candles should never be left unattended.

Make a Pleasant Dreams Pouch

Making a Pleasant Dreams Pouch

What you need:
1. Square of purple cloth. Approx 2x2 inches. This one is a little lopsided but that's OK.
2. Purple thread.
3. Dried lavender 
4. A piece of amethyst.
5. A piece of copal.
6. A drop of peppermint oil.

First, place the lavender, amethyst and copal in a small pile in the center of the cloth. Add the drop of Peppermint oil to the pile.

Next, pull up the four corners and edges of the cloth and form it into a small pouch around the little pile.

Then wrap a length of cord (I used about 2 feet or so) around the top of the pouch and tie a double knot.  Wrap one end of the cord around the pouch 5 times. Then wrap the other end of the cord around 5 times and tie another double knot. This is why I use such a long cord. You want to leave plenty length left over.
If you like, you can add a small charm and tie another double knot to  secure it. Pick a symbol that you associate with pleasant dreams.

And that's it! You've made a pleasant dream pouch! Use the extra length to tie it to your bed post or hang above your bed. Enjoy your pleasant dreams!

NOTE* You can use a different color if you associate one with good dreams over purple.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Writing Your Own Spells

Spells or energy work are a staple of Witchcraft. Being able to write your own is a basic skill every Witch should learn. Here is a basic run down of how to make your own spells.

  1. Write out what the goal of your spell is. What do you need to accomplish? Is this a healing spell? A binding spell? Is it a simple spell or do you need to create a ritual around it? Is it for you or are you performing this for someone else? (Note* IF you are performing this for someone else keep in mind that it is polite to ask the person's permission first. Many people go with "May I pray for you?" Spells are in a sense, prayers. If you are casting a spell ON someone, you run into a whole other group of ethical questions. Why are you casting on someone? What is the desired out come? Different traditions of witchcraft have different rules for this. Some believe in 'Harm None' while others don't. You must first decide how this fits into your belief system.)
  2.  Write out a soft draft of the spell. This can be changed later. Do you need to build up a lot of energy? Or just a little? Where will you perform the spell? What time? Do you need to perform it during a certain lunar cycle? Will it be during the day or night?
  3. Write out what you need for the spell. Let's say you want to perform a healing spell. Do you need a candle? Herbs? Oils? A crystal? What kind? Make sure you've done your research as to what stones or herbs are used for what purposes.
  4. If you are going to use candles, cord, etc, figure out what colors you want to use. Some people follow a set color scheme for different things. I prefer to go with my own. Different colors mean different things to everyone. Some use blue for healing. I prefer green. Determine what colors feel right to you for this task.
  5. After you've compiled all the necessities, start a solid draft of the spell. If you want to add words, now is a good time to start writing them out. Do you want a chant? Spoken word? Some traditions have different thoughts on words in spells. ie The Wiccan Rede (To bind thy spell well every time, let thy spell be spake in rhyme.) It is not necessary for your words to be perfect if you're not good at writing. The energy and emotion are what really count. 
  6. Once you have all this written out, start putting it together. How do you want the flow of this spell to go? Do you ground and center first? Do you meditate? Do you light a candle and incense first? Write out how you want the spell to proceed until you have it written out in detail. 
  7. Once you feel comfortable, write out the final draft of your spell.  Make sure to clean up all the loose edges and finish out the details. 
There you go! You have your spell all written out! Now gather up your props and ingredients and get to it!

A Home Protection Spell

Simple Home Protection Spell
(By Laughing Fox)

Gather a small square of red cloth (about 4inx4in), a length of red cord (about 2 ft), a small red candle, some ground cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg.

Light the candle. Place the herbs in the center of the cloth square. Fold up all the edges of the square and tie it closed into a pouch with the cord. Leave about a quarter foot or more cord on each side. While you wrap the pouch up, repeat the following:

   "Flame, fear and dishonest foe;
    None of you this house shall know.
    Friends and family may draw near;
    Keep out those who have no business here.
    With fire's unending protective might;
    Protect this house both day and night."

Allow the candle to burn down all the way. Hang the pouch above an entrance door in your house.

Cinnamon, clove and nutmeg are traditional protective herbs. A small piece of Tiger's Eye, Garnet, Hematite, or any other protective stone is always a welcome addition to a protection pouch. Red supplies may be substituted with any other color you feel appropriate. 

Burning candles should never be left unattended.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Goddess of the Week: Bast

This week's goddess of the week is Bast. The Egyptian Goddess of fertility and protection. Bast is most often portrayed with the head of a cat or lioness. She was the protector of the Pharaoh and sun god Ra. Statues of Bast were placed in houses to protect them from thieves, rats and cobras.

The Daughter of Ra and the sister of Sekhmet, Bast was also said to be the goddess of perfume, music, dance and passion.She had a son named Nefertem.

The symbols of Bast are lions, cats, and the utchat.

Offerings might include catnip,and  tigers eye.

Her other names include Bastet, Ubasti, and Pasht.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mother Ocean

While many Neo Pagans and Witches share a deep love and reverence to Mother Earth, some of us are more deeply connected to Mother Ocean. The majority of the planet is covered by water. Our bodies are 75% water. A human being can survive weeks or longer without food. But only days without water. The survival of our oceans is critical to the survival of our planet. They effect weather patterns and rainfall.

The sea is the womb of creation. Life came from the waters and evolved from there. All we know, started with the sea.  In the same respect that we try to keep our earth clean, we should also work to keep our oceans pure.

Mother ocean is eternally giving life to creatures great and small. She has the power to create and destroy. She can give full nets, or deadly storms. Her waters are home to tiny microbes and leviathan alike.

If you've swam in the ocean, you know it is a wonderful sensation. The feeling of the wave's pull stays with you long after you leave the water. It is the connection of the water to our very blood stream. She pulls us back, calling to us always.

Like Mother Earth, she has many names. Jurate, Amphtirite, Yemaya, Namaka. Her children are many. And her love is great.

Hail great Mother Ocean!
Lend us your life giving energy.
Bless us with the wisdom and guidance of your love.  
Let all who seek you, find the peace and abundance of the deep.
~Laughing Fox

Monday, June 16, 2014

Goddess of the Week: Brigid

This week's goddess is Brigid, the Celtic goddess of Fire, the hearth, healing, childbirth and poetry. She is the Daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha De Danann. She taught humans how to gather and use herbs for their healing properties, how to raise livestock and how to forge iron tools.

Her symbols are fire, cows, lambs, bees, owls and serpents. Plants include shamrocks, broom, heather, corn, acorns and oak.

Offerings would include corn, chamomile, agate, and amethyst. 


Her festival is Imbolic and is on February 1st.