Monday, June 16, 2014

Simple Banishing Spell

A Simple Banishing Spell
By: Laughing Fox

This spell is a simple form of banishing a person from your life but also works with other entities. 

Wait for a rainy day or night . It should be a good hard rain. If this is impractical than doing the spell in the shower should suffice. 

Find a picture of the person you wish to banish or a picture representing the entity. The point of the picture is to be destroyed. It is best if it is a picture printed on regular paper.

Put the picture in a bowl and go out into the rain. Let it was over you and as it does, imagine the person being washed out of your life. Imagine their influence being rinsed away. Imagine them being completely washed away as the picture disintegrates in the rain. As you watch the picture dissolve, say the following:

"As the rain washes the earth clean, let it also wash me clean of your vile deeds. (Name of person or entity), I hereby banish you from my life. Past this realm. Past the after realms. I banish you! I banish you! I banish you! You are here to torment me no more!"

As the picture disappears, take the water in the bowl and any remaining bits of paper and throw them outside. Turn around and don't look back. It is done.

(Please remember basic safety when performing this spell. Do not go outside in a lightning storm. Do not stand under tall trees while lightning is in the area. Always err on the side of caution.)

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