Monday, June 30, 2014

Goddess of the Week: Athena

Athena: The Greek warrior goddess of wisdom, skill, mathematics, justice, and arts and crafts. She was also the goddess of strategy and delighted in defeating Ares on the battlefield. She was born when Zeus swallowed her mother Metis and Athena sprang from Zeus' head fully armored. She is the patron goddess of the city of Athens. Winning the city from Poseidon in a contest. Each deity offered the city a gift. Poseidon a fountain and Athena an olive tree. The City chose the olive tree, picking Athena over Poseidon.

She also taught humans how to weave and tend live stock. She became jealous of Arachne who was a skilled weaver. She challenged the girl to a contest and beat her. Arachne took her own life by hanging herself. Athena turned Arachne into a spider and this is where the word Arachnid comes from.

Her symbols are the spear, owl, and olive tree.

Offerings may include olive leaves, turquoise, ash, yew and dragon's blood.

Her festival was March 19-23.

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