Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Writing Your Own Spells

Spells or energy work are a staple of Witchcraft. Being able to write your own is a basic skill every Witch should learn. Here is a basic run down of how to make your own spells.

  1. Write out what the goal of your spell is. What do you need to accomplish? Is this a healing spell? A binding spell? Is it a simple spell or do you need to create a ritual around it? Is it for you or are you performing this for someone else? (Note* IF you are performing this for someone else keep in mind that it is polite to ask the person's permission first. Many people go with "May I pray for you?" Spells are in a sense, prayers. If you are casting a spell ON someone, you run into a whole other group of ethical questions. Why are you casting on someone? What is the desired out come? Different traditions of witchcraft have different rules for this. Some believe in 'Harm None' while others don't. You must first decide how this fits into your belief system.)
  2.  Write out a soft draft of the spell. This can be changed later. Do you need to build up a lot of energy? Or just a little? Where will you perform the spell? What time? Do you need to perform it during a certain lunar cycle? Will it be during the day or night?
  3. Write out what you need for the spell. Let's say you want to perform a healing spell. Do you need a candle? Herbs? Oils? A crystal? What kind? Make sure you've done your research as to what stones or herbs are used for what purposes.
  4. If you are going to use candles, cord, etc, figure out what colors you want to use. Some people follow a set color scheme for different things. I prefer to go with my own. Different colors mean different things to everyone. Some use blue for healing. I prefer green. Determine what colors feel right to you for this task.
  5. After you've compiled all the necessities, start a solid draft of the spell. If you want to add words, now is a good time to start writing them out. Do you want a chant? Spoken word? Some traditions have different thoughts on words in spells. ie The Wiccan Rede (To bind thy spell well every time, let thy spell be spake in rhyme.) It is not necessary for your words to be perfect if you're not good at writing. The energy and emotion are what really count. 
  6. Once you have all this written out, start putting it together. How do you want the flow of this spell to go? Do you ground and center first? Do you meditate? Do you light a candle and incense first? Write out how you want the spell to proceed until you have it written out in detail. 
  7. Once you feel comfortable, write out the final draft of your spell.  Make sure to clean up all the loose edges and finish out the details. 
There you go! You have your spell all written out! Now gather up your props and ingredients and get to it!

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