Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mother Ocean

While many Neo Pagans and Witches share a deep love and reverence to Mother Earth, some of us are more deeply connected to Mother Ocean. The majority of the planet is covered by water. Our bodies are 75% water. A human being can survive weeks or longer without food. But only days without water. The survival of our oceans is critical to the survival of our planet. They effect weather patterns and rainfall.

The sea is the womb of creation. Life came from the waters and evolved from there. All we know, started with the sea.  In the same respect that we try to keep our earth clean, we should also work to keep our oceans pure.

Mother ocean is eternally giving life to creatures great and small. She has the power to create and destroy. She can give full nets, or deadly storms. Her waters are home to tiny microbes and leviathan alike.

If you've swam in the ocean, you know it is a wonderful sensation. The feeling of the wave's pull stays with you long after you leave the water. It is the connection of the water to our very blood stream. She pulls us back, calling to us always.

Like Mother Earth, she has many names. Jurate, Amphtirite, Yemaya, Namaka. Her children are many. And her love is great.

Hail great Mother Ocean!
Lend us your life giving energy.
Bless us with the wisdom and guidance of your love.  
Let all who seek you, find the peace and abundance of the deep.
~Laughing Fox

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