Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Simple Love Spell

A Simple Love Spell
(By Laughing Fox)

Gather a small pink candle, some ground rose petals, and a large, ripe strawberry and a ritual knife.

Carve a heart onto the candle and the strawberry. Place the candle on a heat proof surface. Light the candle and carefully sprinkle the ground rose petals onto it.  Cut the strawberry into three equal pieces. Then say:

"My heart I rend to pieces three;
The first part shall remain for me.
The second for the world as one;
For my hatred lost and love has won.
The last for my soul's one true mate;
Brought to my life by hands of fate.
Love's true light shall grow this seed;
And then at last combine these three."

Eat each of the three strawberry pieces one at a time. While you eat the first piece, envision all the reasons you love yourself. This is not a selfish or egotistical act. To find true love, we must first love ourselves. While you eat the second piece, meditate on being at peace or understanding with the world and all who dwell on it. 

As you eat the last piece, envision the qualities you search for in a mate and being in a relationship with those qualities. (Note: It is not advised that you think of one specific person at this time.) Let the candle burn down as you have these visions.

Rose petals are a time honored symbol of love. However, if you cannot find any, you can substitute them with Cinnamon, Clove, Columbine, Daffodil Lavender, Daisy, Gardenia, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Geranium, Orchid, Pansy, Plumeria, Spearmint, Tulip, Violet, or Vanilla.

Due to their color and shape, strawberries have long been associated with the heart. If, however, you dislike strawberries, or have allergies, they can be substituted with Apple, Avocado, Beet, Cherry, Fig, Mango, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Plum, Pomegranate (use three seeds), Radish, Raspberry, or Tomato.

Pink may also be substituted for another color if you desire. Burning candles should never be left unattended.

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