Sunday, June 8, 2014

Anti Nightmare Spell

Simple Spell to Repel Nightmares
(By Laughing Fox)

Gather a small square of either white or purple cloth, (About 3x3 inches) and a length of purple cord (At least a foot and a half long), a small piece of amethyst, some dried lavender, and your favorite incense. (What ever kind you use to relax.)

In a heat proof container, light the incense and take a few moments to breath it in and relax. Then take the square of cloth and place the lavender and amethyst in the center. Bring the four corners together so that the cloth becomes a pouch. Tie the cord around the pouch to secure it. As you do, chant:

"Bring me dreams of joy and peace;
To ease my mind and let me sleep.
But if come dreams of pain and fright;
Send them back into the night."

Repeat this chant until the incense has burned down. Tie the pouch to your bed post or place the pouch under your pillow. (Note: Make sure the pouch is bound together tightly!)

It is best to perform this spell when in a relaxed state of mind and in a place quiet place where you will not be disturbed or stressed. Catnip works well as a substitute for lavender.

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