Sunday, June 8, 2014

Common Herbs, Stones and Crystals

Common Herbs, Stones and Crystals
(By Laughing Fox)


Amethyst ~ Commonly used in meditation, tranquility spells, anti-nightmare spells. Traditionally used to prevent drunkenness. Amplifies magickal energies.

Aventurine ~Used in healing spells. Also good for money spells and as a study aid. Most commonly found in green. Also comes in orange, brown, and blue.

Clear Quartz ~ Often used for scrying. Transfers energies. Calms and clears the mind. Used in cleansing rituals. Amplifies magick energies. Heals and said to reduce fevers. Often charged and used in place of other stones in magick.

Fluorite ~ Empowers the mind and often used as a study aid. Wonderful for healing as well as meditation.

Hematite ~ Said to draw illness and pain from the body. Strong protective stone. Also a wonderful scrying tool.

Malachite ~ Draws money and success. A strong healing stone for internal illnesses. Is said to break in half to warn its owner of danger or bad news. (Note: I've actually seen this happen! A girl in my High School theater group dropped and broke a malachite cross. Not 2 hours later we learned that a friend of the group had committed suicide!)

Rose Quartz ~ Draws love and friendship. Said to help heal issues caused by heart break.  Also aids with fertility spells.

Tiger's-Eye ~ The granddaddy of all protective stones. Not only wards off evil and ill, but fights it as well! Also very useful in astral projection and communicating with your animal spirit guide. Also helps in healing spells for pets.


Basil ~ Helps draw love when rubbed lightly on the skin. Helps keep love when burned. Useful in money and protection spells also.

Bay ~Used in purification spells and rituals to enhance psychic abilities. Used in healing spells and burned to protect against illness. Place a leaf in your house to guard against lightning. Also used in spells for strength.

Catnip ~ Draws love and happiness. Also used in tranquility and sleep spells. Aids in spells to heal pets. (Particularly cats!)

Cedar ~Protects and purifies the home, body and mind. Used in healing spells and draws money. A natural repellant for insects.

Cinnamon ~ Attracts love, lust, success, power, and protection. Used in healing rituals. Carry a stick to attract love. Carry a sachet of powdered cinnamon to avoid fights.

Clove ~Powerful protection herb. Burned to drive away evil spirits. Useful in spells to stop gossip.

Lavender ~ Classically used in sleep spells. Also useful for tranquility and love spells. Promotes peace and happiness.

Mint ~ Very useful for healing. Drink as a tea to help clear up a cold. Use in rituals or spells to gain new ideas.

Nutmeg ~Draws health and money. A powerful protective herb. Carve a protective symbol or ruin of your choice into a whole nutmeg and carry for protection.

Rosemary ~Used in healing and money spells. Place a sachet in the house to protect from thieves. Burn or simmer rosemary oil to help stimulate the appetite of ill or underweight people.

Sage ~Used traditionally in purification rituals. Promotes wisdom and protection. Burn while studying.

A word about herbs: Herbs should never be burned, eaten, or used by those with allergies to them. If you have an allergy to one or more of the above herbs, my suggestion is to just stay away from them all together. Herbs should be burned in a commercial incense burner on a heat proof service and with plenty of ventilation, only!! Never burn herbs in an enclosed room. They can create a lot of smoke! Never ingest a plant unless you know it's safe.

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